The Next Big Thing From CardConnect
In the last few years, CardConnect has gone through several exciting changes. We’ve rebranded, relocated, and patented our tokenization process. And now, we’re happy to announce yet another new development—the launch of the CardConnect Merchant Center!
It’s been tough for us to keep this quiet while our developers were hard at work perfecting the look, feel and functionality of our Merchant Center, but we’re pleased to say that after much anticipation, it’s ready to go.
So, what is the CardConnect Merchant Center? Quite simply, it’s a portal for merchants to view all of their payment processing data – deposits, authorizations, settlements, funding, chargebacks and statements – without having to log into the archaic reporting tools offered by other processing companies. Let’s take a tour.
On the first page of the Merchant Center is a section for alerts. This is where your monthly statement announcement will appear, as well as any chargebacks or other time-sensitive information related to your account.
Authorizations tab*
- View authorizations arranged by location
- See captured, voided and declined transactions
- View transaction details, status and customer information
- Print a receipt for the customer right from the Merchant Center
- Reprocess transactions
*Only available to merchants using the CardConnect Gateway
Settlements tab
- View all transactions that have been batched out and sent for settlements
- Search by locations, time frame or date range
- Download report as a CSV file
- Search by cardholder name to make finding the right transaction quick and easy
Funding tab
- Summary of transactions that have been sent for deposit to the merchant’s bank account
- View net sales, third party (AMEX) transactions or reversals
- View a detailed list of each transaction (North platform only)
Chargebacks tab
- View all chargeback information including:
- Last four digits of a customer’s card
- Card type
- Settlement date
- Chargeback date
- Case number
- Chargeback amount
- The chargeback tab also includes contact information for the chargeback department to assist with any issues.
Save a tree! Download your monthly statements quickly and easily.
Virtual Terminal
- Select the account on which you want to run a transaction
- Run a sale, force credit or verification
- Store customer information
- Search for customers by name or enter a new one manually
- Add optional convenience fees
- Enter the card manually or use a swiper
- Change the business name that appears inside the Merchant Center
- Change descriptors
- Add a new user
- See user registration status and control admin permissions
Virtual Terminal
- Enable CVV and make it required or optional
- Enable Swipe
- Order Level 2 information
- Activate the convenience fee and decide whether it should be editable from the Virtual Terminal
User Fields
- Add custom fields for either customer profiles or the Virtual Terminal
- Decide what you want shown on your receipts
- Add or remove a convenience fee
- Change address and contact information
- Add a custom message
- Update information that you want to be active in the customer vault
- Decide which customer data should be required
- Include additional fields like SSN and driver’s license number
Quick access to our 24/7 customer support information right inside the Merchant Center
Soon to come:
A lot! We’re currently working on a Merchant Center communication area so you can talk to Support right inside your browser. We’re also developing billing and invoice modules, customizable alert and subscription fee options, more visual reports and analytics, and more. Like everything else we create, our Merchant Center will constantly evolve to fit our merchants’ needs and stay ahead of the curve.