Set up a Bill Plan in 4 Simple Steps!

March 10, 2015

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A few days ago, we added recurring billing to the Merchant Center and just wanted to take a moment to provide a walk through to show how easy it is it set up billing plans! This feature is perfect for any merchant with customers with subscriptions, nonprofits that want to easily set up and track recurring donations, and more.

Let’s get right into it.

1. From your account home page, click on the Billing tab. Then click “New Billing Plan.”





That will bring you to this page:






2. Enter the name of an existing customer into the search bar to populate the fields with their information.




3. After the customer fields are populated, you can select an existing card to append to the billing plan, or add a new card.



4. You can then choose your billing plan interval. Simply choose Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly and select frequency.




Click “Save Plan” and you’re done!



Remember, this feature is available to any merchant who is set up with our Virtual Terminal. Tune in next week and learn about other helpful features of our new recurring billing tool.