API Introduction
The CardConnect API allows you to securely accept a wide-range of credit, debit and alternative payments. Instead of a high flat rate, we’ll cut your processing costs with interchange plus pricing. If you are interested in accessing CardConnect’s complete repository of API documentation, please contact us here. Below, you will find documentation for our REST implementation.
REST Implementation
REST Web Services utilize the HTTP Verbs GET, POST, PUT and DELETE to implement CRUD (Create / Replace / Update / Delete) functions. Unless otherwise specified PUT operations are required for each service. GET operations are used for inquiry requests, specifically the Inquire, Settlement Status, and Deposit services. The POST and DELETE Rest verbs are not utilized or implemented by CardConnect. The next section discusses the mapping of payment processes to these verbs.
This Web Service utilizes the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) method of encoding data for transmission via the HTTP network protocol. JSON is a rich but lightweight data definition language, considerable simpler than XML but with similar functionality (i.e. nested data structures and arrays). Most programming languages have libraries to convert an arbitrary object to and from a JSON data transfer encoding. CardConnect provides a sample client application in the JAVA language implementing all functions described herein.
Connecting to the Server
The CardConnect REST Web Service base URL includes a protocol, host, port and servlet specification, such as:
This represents an HTTPS request to host over port 6443 to the REST web service base URL. The servlet name is fixed within the application; the host and port are assigned by CardConnect. A GET or PUT request with no arguments to the address above will return a simple text/html “CardConnect REST Servlet” response if proper credentials are provided.
A username and password are required in the HTTP Authorization Header property in each web service request. Authorization type “Basic” is expected, followed by a combined “username:password” string Base64 encoded. If not provided or not correct an HTTP Exception “401:Unauthorized” is returned to the caller. An example is below:
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGluOnNlc2FtIG9wZW4=
Service Endpoints
Each service defined has an endpoint as shown in the table below. The endpoint name is appended to the base URL. Details about the REST implementation for each service follow.
Service | Resource Name |
Authorization | auth |
Capture | capture |
Void | void |
Refund | refund |
Inquire | inquire |
Settlement Status | settlestat |
Deposit | deposit |
Profile | profile |
Funding | funding |
CardConnect validates various parameters of an authorization request prior to sending it to a Payment Card Processor. If the request fails these checks the card processor field will contain “PPS” and the response code identifying the error.
If the request passes the CardConnect checks the Payment Processor is selected based on the merchant id in the request and forwarded. Generally a processor response code of “0” or “00” is a successful authorization request; any other code is a decline. If the request was successful the authorization code is populated, otherwise it is not present.
CardConnect provides a response status, or “respstat”, field as a simpler representation of response codes, and a response text that provides a readable description of the processor response code. An “A” response status means the authorization request was approved, a “C” means the request was declined, and a “B” means a short term error occurred and the request may be resent. This could result from either missing data or a communications error.
In the case of invalid message format or missing data, the message may be resent. However, most errors indicate a persistent problem and will require operator action to correct. Client retries should be limited in number and have a short delay between attempts.
Authorization Service
This service supports a PUT of a JSON String encoded list of the fields defined for the service. The service responds with either an HTTP Exception or a JSON encoded response.
Authorization Request
Example Authorization Request
{ "merchid": "000000927996", "accttype": "VISA", "orderid": "AB-11-9876", "account": "4111111111111111", "expiry": "1212", "amount": "0", "currency": "USD", "name": "TOM JONES", "address": "123 MAIN STREET", "city": "anytown", "region": "NY", "country": "US", "postal": "55555", "ecomind": "E", "cvv2": "123", "track": null, "tokenize": "Y" }
/** * Authorize Transaction REST Example * @return */ public static String authTransaction() { Console.WriteLine("\nAuthorization Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JObject request = new JObject(); // Merchant ID request.Add("merchid", "496400000840"); // Card Type request.Add("accttype", "VI"); // Card Number request.Add("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.Add("expiry", "0914"); // Card CCV2 request.Add("cvv2", "776"); // Transaction amount request.Add("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.Add("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.Add("orderid", "12345"); // Cardholder Name request.Add("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.Add("Street", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.Add("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.Add("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.Add("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.Add("postal", "11111"); // Return a token for this card number request.Add("tokenize", "Y"); // Create the REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an AuthTransaction request JObject response = client.authorizeTransaction(request); foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + value.ToString()); } return (String)response.GetValue("retref"); }
/** * Authorize Transaction REST Example * @return */ public static String authTransaction() { System.out.println("\nAuthorization Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); // Merchant ID request.put("merchid", "496400000840"); // Card Type request.put("accttype", "VI"); // Card Number request.put("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.put("expiry", "0914"); // Card CCV2 request.put("cvv2", "776"); // Transaction amount request.put("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.put("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.put("orderid", "12345"); // Cardholder Name request.put("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.put("Street", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.put("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.put("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.put("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.put("postal", "11111"); // Return a token for this card number request.put("tokenize", "Y"); // Create the REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an AuthTransaction request JSONObject response = client.authorizeTransaction(request); // Handle response Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); return (String)response.get("retref"); }
<?php // Authorize Transaction example function authTransaction() { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nAuthorization Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $request = array( 'merchid' => "496400000840", 'accttyppe' => "VISA", 'account' => "4444333322221111", 'expiry' => "0914", 'cvv2' => "123", 'amount' => "100", 'currency' => "USD", 'orderid' => "12345", 'name' => "Test User", 'street' => "123 Test St", 'city' => "Testville", 'region' => "Test State", 'country' => "US", 'postal' => "11111", 'tokenize' => "Y", ); $response = $client->authorizeTransaction($request); print var_dump($response); return $response["retref"]; } ?>
The value in the amount field identifies the authorization transaction type. A negative amount indicates a Refund request, a positive amount indicates an Authorization request, and an amount of “0” indicates an Account Verification request.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
merchid* | 12 | N | Merchant Id, required for all requests |
accttype# | 6 | A | One of PPAL, PAID, GIFT, PDEBIT, otherwise not required. |
account*# | 19 | N | Clear or Tokenized card number for payment card Bank account number for ECheck Masked in response |
expiry*# | 4 | N | Card Expiration in either MMYY or YYYYMMDD format, not required for ECHK |
amount* | 12 | N | Amount with decimal or without decimal in currency minor units (i.e. USD Pennies, EUR Cents), Positive, Negative or Zero |
currency* | 3 | AN | USD for US dollars, CAD for Canadian Dollars, CAD Canadian Dollars, etc. Currency of merchant settlement. |
name# | 30 | AN | Account name; CCard optional, ECheck required |
address# | 30 | AN | Account street address (required for AVS) |
city# | 30 | AN | Account city |
region# | 20 | AN | US State, Mexican State, Canadian Province |
country# | 2 | AN | Account country (2 char country code), defaults to “US” (2) |
phone# | 15 | AN | Account phone |
postal# | 9 | AN | Account postal code, defaults to “99999”. If country is “US”, must be 5 or 9 digits, otherwise any alphanumeric string is accepted. |
email# | 30 | AN | E-Mail address of the account holder |
ecomind | 1 | A | T telephone or mail, R recurring, E ecommerce/Internet |
cvv2 | 4 | N | CVV2/CVC/CID value |
orderid | 19 | AN | Source system order number (1) |
track | 76 | AN | Track1/track2 swipe data |
bankaba# | 9 | N | Bank routing (ABA) number, Check only |
tokenize | 1 | A | Optional, Y to return an account token in token response field |
termid | 30 | AN | Terminal Device ID |
capture | 1 | A | Optional, Y to capture the transaction for settlement if approved |
* - Required for all authorization requests
# - Utilized for profile create requests and stored in the profile vault.
1 - Customers are strongly encouraged to populate this field with a unique value that can identify the sales order.
2 - Country parameter is required for all non-US addresses.
Authorization Response
Example Authorization Response
{ "respstat": "A", "account": "41XXXXXXXXXX1111", "token": "9419786452781111", "retref": "343005123105", "amount": "111", "merchid": "020594000000", "respcode": "00", "resptext": "Approved", "avsresp": "9", "cvvresp": "M", "authcode": "046221", "respproc": "FNOR" }
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
respstat | Status | 1 | A - Approved B - Retry C - Declined |
retref | Retrieval Reference Number | 12 | Unique identifying transaction number, used as merchant reference number. |
account | Account Number | 19 | Copied from request, masked |
token (if requested) | Token | 19 | A token that replaces the card number in capture and settlement requests if requested |
amount | Amount | 12 | Authorized amount. Same as the request amount for most approvals. The amount remaining on the card for prepaid/gift cards if partial authorization is enabled. Not relevant for declines. |
merchid | Merchant id | 12 | Copied from request |
respcode | Response Code | 3 | Alpha-numeric response code. See the tables in the PROCESSOR SPECIFIC responses. PPS – 2 Numeric FNOR – 2 Alphanumeric |
resptext | Response text | 32 | Text description of response |
respproc | Response Processor | 4 | PPS - CardConnect internal response FNOR - First Data North |
If the Authorization request was successful the following fields are returned.
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
avsresp | AVS response code | 2 | Alpha-numeric AVS response. See the tables in the PROCESSOR SPECIFIC responses. |
cvvresp | CVV response code | 1 | See the tables in the PROCESSOR SPECIFIC RESPONSES section. |
authcode | Authorization code | 6 | Authorization Code from the Issuer |
commcard | Commercial Card Flag | 1 | Y if a Corporate or Purchase Card |
Electronic Check
CardConnect can process electronic check transactions through those payment gateways that support it. The bankaba field in the request must contain the Routing and Transit number; the account field must contain the account number. The ecomind field is used to identify the Payment Origin. CardConnect identifies Check transactions as from individual accounts.
For processors that support ECheck account verification there are two additional fields for Checking or Savings account verification with identification requests.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
ssnl4# | 4 | N | Last four digits of account social security number |
license# | 15 | N | Driver’s license state (two Characters) + : + number, For example NY:12JKHQ123 |
/** * Authorize Transaction with Profile REST Example * @return */ public static String authTransactionWithProfile() { Console.WriteLine("\nAuthorization With Profile Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JObject request = new JObject(); // Merchant ID request.Add("merchid", "496400000840"); // Card Type request.Add("accttype", "VI"); // Card Number request.Add("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.Add("expiry", "0914"); // Card CCV2 request.Add("cvv2", "776"); // Transaction amount request.Add("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.Add("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.Add("orderid", "12345"); // Cardholder Name request.Add("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.Add("Street", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.Add("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.Add("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.Add("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.Add("postal", "11111"); // Return a token for this card number request.Add("tokenize", "Y"); // Create Profile request.Add("profile", "Y"); // Create the REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an AuthTransaction request JObject response = client.authorizeTransaction(request); // Handle response foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + value.ToString()); } return (String)response.GetValue("profileid"); }
/** * Authorize Transaction with Profile REST Example * @return */ public static String authTransactionWithProfile() { System.out.println("\nAuthorization With Profile Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); // Merchant ID request.put("merchid", "496400000840"); // Card Type request.put("accttype", "VI"); // Card Number request.put("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.put("expiry", "0914"); // Card CCV2 request.put("cvv2", "776"); // Transaction amount request.put("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.put("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.put("orderid", "12345"); // Cardholder Name request.put("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.put("Street", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.put("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.put("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.put("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.put("postal", "11111"); // Return a token for this card number request.put("tokenize", "Y"); // Create Profile request.put("profile", "Y"); // Create the REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an AuthTransaction request JSONObject response = client.authorizeTransaction(request); // Handle response Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); return (String)response.get("profileid"); }
<?php // Authorize transaction with user profile example function authTransactionWithProfile() { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nAuthorization With Profile Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $request = array( 'merchid' => "496400000840", 'accttyppe' => "VISA", 'account' => "4444333322221111", 'expiry' => "0914", 'cvv2' => "123", 'amount' => "100", 'currency' => "USD", 'orderid' => "12345", 'name' => "Test User", 'street' => "123 Test St", 'city' => "Testville", 'region' => "Test State", 'country' => "US", 'postal' => "11111", 'tokenize' => "Y", 'profile' => "Y", ); $response = $client->authorizeTransaction($request); print var_dump($response); return $response["profileid"]; } ?>
CardConnect has the ability to store information about the account holder, called a profile. Setting the optional property profile to “Y” in the first authorization or account verification request will create a new profile using the information in the request. The profile feature requires that the account number be converted to a token. Subsequent authorization requests access the stored profile by setting the profile property to the profileid value returned in the original authorization request or profile create request. The fields stored in the profile are marked by the ‘#’ in the Authorization Request fields table.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
profile | 1 or 16 | AN | Optional, Y to create an account profile, 20 digit numeric profileid / optional acctid to utilize a profile |
Authorization Capture
/** * Authorize Transaction With Capture REST Example * @return */ public static String authTransactionWithCapture() { Console.WriteLine("\nAuthorization With Capture Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JObject request = new JObject(); // Merchant ID request.Add("merchid", "496400000840"); // Card Type request.Add("accttype", "VI"); // Card Number request.Add("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.Add("expiry", "0914"); // Card CCV2 request.Add("cvv2", "776"); // Transaction amount request.Add("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.Add("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.Add("orderid", "12345"); // Cardholder Name request.Add("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.Add("Street", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.Add("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.Add("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.Add("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.Add("postal", "11111"); // Return a token for this card number request.Add("tokenize", "Y"); // Capture auth request.Add("capture", "Y"); // Create the REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an AuthTransaction request JObject response = client.authorizeTransaction(request); // Handle response foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + value.ToString()); } return (String)response.GetValue("retref"); }
/** * Authorize Transaction With Capture REST Example * @return */ public static String authTransactionWithCapture() { System.out.println("\nAuthorization With Capture Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); // Merchant ID request.put("merchid", "496400000840"); // Card Type request.put("accttype", "VI"); // Card Number request.put("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.put("expiry", "0914"); // Card CCV2 request.put("cvv2", "776"); // Transaction amount request.put("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.put("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.put("orderid", "12345"); // Cardholder Name request.put("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.put("Street", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.put("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.put("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.put("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.put("postal", "11111"); // Return a token for this card number request.put("tokenize", "Y"); // Capture auth request.put("capture", "Y"); // Create the REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an AuthTransaction request JSONObject response = client.authorizeTransaction(request); // Handle response Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); return (String)response.get("retref"); }
<?php // Authorize transaction with capture example function authTransactionWithCapture() { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nAuthorization With Capture Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $request = array( 'merchid' => "496400000840", 'accttyppe' => "VISA", 'account' => "4444333322221111", 'expiry' => "0914", 'cvv2' => "123", 'amount' => "100", 'currency' => "USD", 'orderid' => "12345", 'name' => "Test User", 'street' => "123 Test St", 'city' => "Testville", 'region' => "Test State", 'country' => "US", 'postal' => "11111", 'tokenize' => "Y", 'capture' => "Y", ); $response = $client->authorizeTransaction($request); print var_dump($response); return $response["retref"]; } ?>
Accounts Receivable transactions may want to Authorize and Capture and provide line item detail all in a single request. CardConnect supports an optional items field in the authorization request to support this feature. The capture flag must be set to “Y”, and if the authorization request is successful the transaction and associated line items are automatically captured for settlement.
All fields defined in the Capture Service section may be sent in the Authorization request. They are only processed if the capture flag is set. Please refer to the Capture request, Level 2 and Level 3 data features for more information.
User Fields
Example User Fields
"userfields": [ { "name0": "value0" }, { "name1": "value1" } ]
/** * Authorize Transaction with User Fields REST Example * @return */ public static String authTransactionWithUserFields() { Console.WriteLine("\nAuthorization With User Fields Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JObject request = new JObject(); // Merchant ID request.Add("merchid", "496400000840"); // Card Type request.Add("accttype", "VI"); // Card Number request.Add("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.Add("expiry", "0914"); // Card CCV2 request.Add("cvv2", "776"); // Transaction amount request.Add("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.Add("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.Add("orderid", "12345"); // Cardholder Name request.Add("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.Add("Street", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.Add("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.Add("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.Add("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.Add("postal", "11111"); // Return a token for this card number request.Add("tokenize", "Y"); // Create user fields JArray fields = new JArray(); JObject field = new JObject(); field.Add("Field1", "Value1"); fields.Add(field); request.Add("userfields", fields); // Create the REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an AuthTransaction request JObject response = client.authorizeTransaction(request); // Handle response foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + value.ToString()); } return (String)response.GetValue("retref"); }
/** * Authorize Transaction with User Fields REST Example * @return */ public static String authTransactionWithUserFields() { System.out.println("\nAuthorization With User Fields Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); // Merchant ID request.put("merchid", "496400000840"); // Card Type request.put("accttype", "VI"); // Card Number request.put("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.put("expiry", "0914"); // Card CCV2 request.put("cvv2", "776"); // Transaction amount request.put("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.put("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.put("orderid", "12345"); // Cardholder Name request.put("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.put("Street", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.put("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.put("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.put("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.put("postal", "11111"); // Return a token for this card number request.put("tokenize", "Y"); // Create user fields JSONArray fields = new JSONArray(); JSONObject field = new JSONObject(); field.put("Field1", "Value1"); fields.add(field); request.put("userfields", fields); // Create the REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an AuthTransaction request JSONObject response = client.authorizeTransaction(request); // Handle response Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); return (String)response.get("retref"); }
<?php // Authorize transaction with user fields example function authTransactionWithUserFields() { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nAuthorization With User Fields Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $request = array( 'merchid' => "496400000840", 'accttyppe' => "VISA", 'account' => "4444333322221111", 'expiry' => "0914", 'cvv2' => "123", 'amount' => "100", 'currency' => "USD", 'orderid' => "12345", 'name' => "Test User", 'street' => "123 Test St", 'city' => "Testville", 'region' => "Test State", 'country' => "US", 'postal' => "11111", 'tokenize' => "Y", ); // Create user fields $field = array("Field1" => "Value1"); $fields = array($field); $authdata["userfields"] = $fields; $response = $client->authorizeTransaction($request); print var_dump($response); } ?>
Some merchants may wish to include additional data with the authorization for future retrieval. This is provided through the use of an optional “userfields” property in the Authorization Request. The value of the userfields object is a series of name-value pairs that are meaningful to the merchant. The name and value field may be any String value. The only restriction is a total length of user defined fields plus JSON encoding is 4000 bytes.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
userfields | Object | Optional, a series of name/value pairs |
UserField Entry
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
name | Any | AN | The name of the field |
value | Any | AN | The value of the field |
Each UserField entry is a name/value pair.
Custom Descriptor Fields
CardConnect offers customers the ability to provide custom identifying information about a merchant, e.g. business name, phone number, city and/or state, which appears on buyers’ credit/debit card statements. See your sales person for feature availability and merchant configuration. Once configured add UserField entries for each piece of custom data to be replaced.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
custommerchant | 12 | AN | Merchant name field |
customproduct | 12 | AN | Product name field |
customstate | 2 | A | 2 digit state abbreviation |
customphone | 10 | N | Format must be ########## |
custompostal | 5 | N | 5 digit postal |
Card Present
CardConnect supports card present transactions if “track” data is provided from the magnetic stripe. In this case the AVS (Address Verification Fields) and the CVV2 are not required. Populate the “track” field with Track1 if it is available, otherwise Track 2. The “sentinel” characters are required for each format.
3D Secure
CardConnect supports 3DSecure processing. After verification is done with a 3DS provider the following values can be passed with the authorization request to qualify the merchant for reduced interchange rate and charge back mitigation.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
secureflag | Any | AN | ECI Flag for 3DS processing |
securevalue | Any | AN | ECI Value returned from 3DS authentication |
securexid | Any | AN | XID Value |
Capture Service
The URL for the CardConnect REST Capture service is:
The service requires a JSON encoded structure.
A JSON response containing the response fields is returned if no errors. An HTTP response code 400 (Bad Method) is returned if the request is unreadable, and an HTTP response code 500 is returned if an exception occurs.
Capture Request
Example Capture Request
{ "retref": "288002073633", "shiptozip": "11111-1111", "shipfromzip": "99999-9999", "amount": "596.00", "items": [ { "discamnt": "0", "unitcost": "900", "uom": "CS", "lineno": "1", "description": "DESCRIPTION-1", "taxamnt": "117", "quantity": "1000", "upc": "UPC-1", "netamnt": "150", "material": "MATERIAL-1" }, { "discamnt": "0", "unitcost": "450", "uom": "CS", "lineno": "2", "description": "DESCRIPTION-2", "taxamnt": "117", "quantity": "2000", "upc": "UPC-1", "netamnt": "300", "material": "MATERIAL-2" } ], "taxamount": "40.00", "merchid": "000000927996", "account": "4111111111111111", "ponumber": "PO-0736332" }
/** * Capture Transaction REST Example * @param retref */ public static void captureTransaction(String retref) { Console.WriteLine("\nCapture Transaction Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JObject request = new JObject(); // Merchant ID request.Add("merchid", "496400000840"); // Transaction amount request.Add("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.Add("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.Add("retref", retref); // Purchase Order Number request.Add("ponumber", "12345"); // Tax Amount request.Add("taxamnt", "007"); // Ship From ZipCode request.Add("shipfromzip", "11111"); // Ship To Zip request.Add("shiptozip", "11111"); // Ship to County request.Add("shiptocountry", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.Add("postal", "11111"); // Line item details JArray items = new JArray(); // Singe line item JObject item = new JObject(); item.Add("lineno", "1"); item.Add("material", "12345"); item.Add("description", "Item Description"); item.Add("upc", "0001122334455"); item.Add("quantity", "5"); item.Add("uom", "each"); item.Add("unitcost", "020"); items.Add(item); // Add items to request request.Add("items", items); // Authorization Code from auth response request.Add("authcode", "0001234"); // Invoice ID request.Add("invoiceid", "0123456789"); // Order Date request.Add("orderdate", "20140131"); // Total Order Freight Amount request.Add("frtamnt", "1"); // Total Duty Amount request.Add("dutyamnt", "1"); // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send a captureTransaction request JObject response = client.captureTransaction(request); // Handle response foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + value.ToString()); } }
/** * Capture Transaction REST Example * @param retref */ public static void captureTransaction(String retref) { System.out.println("\nCapture Transaction Request"); // Create Authorization Transaction request JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); // Merchant ID request.put("merchid", "496400000840"); // Transaction amount request.put("amount", "100"); // Transaction currency request.put("currency", "USD"); // Order ID request.put("retref", retref); // Purchase Order Number request.put("ponumber", "12345"); // Tax Amount request.put("taxamnt", "007"); // Ship From ZipCode request.put("shipfromzip", "11111"); // Ship To Zip request.put("shiptozip", "11111"); // Ship to County request.put("shiptocountry", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.put("postal", "11111"); // Line item details JSONArray items = new JSONArray(); // Singe line item JSONObject item = new JSONObject(); item.put("lineno", "1"); item.put("material", "12345"); item.put("description", "Item Description"); item.put("upc", "0001122334455"); item.put("quantity", "5"); item.put("uom", "each"); item.put("unitcost", "020"); items.add(item); // Add items to request request.put("items", items); // Authorization Code from auth response request.put("authcode", "0001234"); // Invoice ID request.put("invoiceid", "0123456789"); // Order Date request.put("orderdate", "20140131"); // Total Order Freight Amount request.put("frtamnt", "1"); // Total Duty Amount request.put("dutyamnt", "1"); // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send a captureTransaction request JSONObject response = client.captureTransaction(request); // Handle response Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); }
<?php // Capture transaction example function captureTransaction($retref) { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nCapture Transaction Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $request = array( 'merchid' => "496400000840", 'amount' => "100", 'currency' => "USD", 'retref' => $retref, 'ponumber' => "12345", 'taxamnt' => "007", 'shipfromzip' => "11111", 'shiptozip' => "11111", 'shiptocountry' => "US", 'postal' => "11111", 'authcode' => "0001234", 'invoiceid' => "0123456789", 'orderdate' => "20140131", 'frtamnt' => "1", 'dutyamnt' => "1", ); // Line item details // Singe line item $item = array ( 'lineno' => "1", 'material' => "12345", 'description' => "Item Description", 'upc' => "0001122334455", 'quantity' => "5", 'uom' => "each", 'unitcost' => "020" ); $items = array($item); $request["items"] = $items; $response = $client->captureTransaction($request); print var_dump($response); } ?>
The capture request leverages the information already stored in CardConnect by utilizing the Retrieval Reference and Authorization Code from the original request. When the amount is omitted the original authorization amount is captured.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
merchid* | 12 | N | Merchant Id, required for all requests must match merchid of transaction to be captured. |
retref* | 12 | N | CardConnect Retrieval Reference Number from Authorization |
authcode | 6 | AN | Authorization Code from original Authorization |
amount | 12 | N | Capture Amount in decimal or in currency minor units (i.e. USD Pennies, MXN Centavos) |
invoiceid | 12 | AN | Invoice Id, optional, defaults to Order Id from Auth |
For Voice/Capture-Only exclude retref and include valid authcode.
Capture Response
Example Capture Response
{ "amount": "596.00", "setlstat": "Pending", "retref": "288002073633", "merchid": "000000927996", "account": "41XXXXXXXXXX4113" }
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
merchid | Merchant Id | 12 | Copied from the Capture Request |
account | Account Number Masked | 19 | Masked Account Number |
amount | Amount to Capture | 12 | Amount echoed from Capture Request |
retref | Retrieval Reference Number | 12 | Copied from the Capture Request |
setlstat | Settlement Status | 8 | One of the values below: Txn not found – The Retref was not found Authorized – Auth only, not captured Queued for Capture – Queued for the Processor Zero Amount – Capture (and Auth) were Voided Accepted – Accepted by the Processor Rejected – Rejected by the Processor |
Capture Level 2 Data
If available the Level 2 fields can be provided on the capture request, and should be provided for any corporate or purchase cards to qualify for improved interchange rates.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
ponumber* | 12 | AN | Customer Purchase Order Number |
taxamnt | 12 | N | Tax Amount either decimal or in currency minor units (i.e. USD Pennies, MXN Centavos), taxamnt=0 indicates tax-exempt purchaser |
Many Level 2 protocols refer to a “Customer Code” Field. This is further described as “an identifier the customer would recognize”. CardConnect populates this field with the Purchase Order number if specified above, otherwise with the orderid from the Authorization Request, otherwise with the CardConnect Assigned retref (Retrieval Reference) number.
The Level 2 protocol also requires certain fields about the merchant, such as Postal Code and Tax Identification Number. These fields are filled from the configuration table created during the merchant boarding process.
Capture Level 3 Data
If available Level 3 line item data can be sent with the capture request, particularly for any commercial or corporate payment cards. To qualify for Level 3 Interchange rates Level 2 data (described above) must also be provided.
Level 3 data includes additional “Order Level” items such as freight and discount amount, as well as information from each line item of the order, stored as an array in the items field.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
frtamnt | 12 | N | Total order freight amount, default 0 |
dutyamnt | 12 | N | Total order duty amount, default 0 |
orderdate | 8 | N | YYYYMMDD, For most industries this is the delivery date for the order, defaults to System Date when captured |
shiptozip | 9 | AN | if country is “US”, must be 5 or 9 digits, otherwise any alphanumeric string is accepted |
shipfromzip | 9 | AN | Same as above |
shiptocountry | 2 | A | Ship To Country Code, default is US |
Items | Array | Array of Items |
Line Item Records
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
lineno | 4 | N | Order Line Number |
material | 16 | AN | Material Number (AKA Visa Commodity Code) |
description | 32 | AN | Material Description |
upc | 14 | N | Material UPC Code |
quantity | 12 | N | Quantity of material purchased, decimal or whole units |
uom | 8 | AN | Unit of Measure such as Quart, Ton, Each |
unitcost | 12 | N | Amount with decimal or in Currency minor units |
netamnt | 12 | N | Amount with decimal or in Currency minor units |
taxamnt | 12 | N | Amount with decimal or in Currency minor units |
discamnt | 12 | N | Amount with decimal or in Currency minor units |
Void Service
A Capture Void is used to cancel a previous Capture request and to completely reverse the associated authorization. Once captured, authorizations cannot be partially reversed. Where appropriate CardConnect automatically generates partial reversals during the settlement process to align the authorization and capture amounts to eliminate misuse fees.
The response to a Void request is the same Capture Response as defined above. A successful Void request will return an authcode field of “REVERS”. The other statuses represent the reason why the Void request failed.
For a partial void or reversal merchid id and retref are required. The amount sent is the amount to be voided, or the amount to reduce the original authorized amount. A zero or omitted amount is a full reversal.
If the transaction is found, the response values will contain the result from the void request to the Clearing House. If the transaction is not found or an error occurs, the Response Processor will contain “PPS”, the Response Code will contain an error code, the Response Status will contain “C” and the Response Text will contain a relevant text message.
Void Request
Example Void Request
{ "retref": "288013185633", "merchid": "000000927996", "amount": "101" }
/** * Void Transaction REST Example * @param retref */ public static void voidTransaction(String retref) { Console.WriteLine("\nVoid Transaction Request"); // Create Update Transaction request JObject request = new JObject(); // Merchant ID request.Add("merchid", "496400000840"); // Transaction amount request.Add("amount", "0"); // Transaction currency request.Add("currency", "USD"); // Return Reference code from authorization request request.Add("retref", retref); // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send a voidTransaction request JObject response = client.voidTransaction(request); // Handle response foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + value.ToString()); } }
/** * Void Transaction REST Example * @param retref */ public static void voidTransaction(String retref) { System.out.println("\nVoid Transaction Request"); // Create Update Transaction request JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); // Merchant ID request.put("merchid", "496400000840"); // Transaction amount request.put("amount", "0"); // Transaction currency request.put("currency", "USD"); // Return Reference code from authorization request request.put("retref", retref); // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send a voidTransaction request JSONObject response = client.voidTransaction(request); // Handle response Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); }
<?php // Void transaction example function voidTransaction($retref) { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nVoid Transaction Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $request = array( 'merchid' => "496400000840", 'amount' => "0", 'currency' => "USD", 'retref' => $retref, ); $response = $client->voidTransaction($request); print var_dump($response); } ?>
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
merchid* | 12 | N | Merchant Id, required for all requests must match merchid of transaction to be voided. |
amount | 12 | N | Void Amount with decimal or Void Amount without decimal in currency minor units (i.e. USD Pennies, MXN Centavos), Positive or Zero. Use for partial voids. |
retref* | 12 | N | Retrieval Reference Number from original Authorization |
* Required
Void Response
Example Void Response
{ "amount": "1.01", "resptext": "Approval", "authcode": "REVERS", "respcode": "00", "retref": "288013185633", "merchid": "000000927996", "cvvresp": "P", "account": "41XXXXXXXXXX4113", "avsresp": " ", "respproc": "FNOR", "respstat": "A" }
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
merchid | Merchant Id | 12 | Copied from Request |
amount | Amount | 12 | Copied from Request, contains the replacement amount |
currency | Currency | 3 | From original transaction |
retref | Retrieval Reference Number | 12 | Copied from Request |
authcode | Authorization code | 6 | “REVERS” on success |
respcode | Response Code | 3 | Response Code |
respproc | Response Processor | 4 | Response Processor |
respstat | Response Status | 1 | Response Status |
resptext | Capture Status | 40 | Response Text |
Refund Service
The URL for the CardConnect REST Refund function is:
The Refund service is used for a “Refund with Reference” transaction, where some or the entire amount of a previously authorized and captured transaction is to be refunded to the card holder. The amount field is the amount to be refunded. Refund requests are automatically captured. If no amount is supplied a refund for the full original amount is issued.
Refund Request
Example Refund Request
{ "retref": "288009185241", "merchid": "000000927996", "amount": "59.60" }
/** * Refund Transaction REST Example * @param retref */ public static void refundTransaction(String retref) { Console.WriteLine("\nRefund Transaction Request"); // Create Update Transaction request JObject request = new JObject(); // Merchant ID request.Add("merchid", "496400000840"); // Transaction amount request.Add("amount","-100"); // Transaction currency request.Add("currency", "USD"); // Return Reference code from authorization request request.Add("retref", retref); // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an refundTransaction request JObject response = client.refundTransaction(request); // Handle response foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + value.ToString()); } }
/** * Refund Transaction REST Example * @param retref */ public static void refundTransaction(String retref) { System.out.println("\nRefund Transaction Request"); // Create Update Transaction request JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); // Merchant ID request.put("merchid", "496400000840"); // Transaction amount request.put("amount","-100"); // Transaction currency request.put("currency", "USD"); // Return Reference code from authorization request request.put("retref", retref); // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an refundTransaction request JSONObject response = client.refundTransaction(request); // Handle response Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); }
<?php // Refund Service example function refundTransaction($retref) { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nRefund Transaction Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $request = array( 'merchid' => "496400000840", 'amount' => "0", 'currency' => "USD", 'retref' => $retref, ); $response = $client->refundTransaction($request); print var_dump($response); } ?>
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
merchid* | 12 | N | Merchant Id, required for all requests |
amount | 12 | N | Positive amount with decimal or amount without decimal in currency minor units (i.e. USD Pennies, MXN Centavos). Use for partial refunds |
retref* | 12 | N | Retrieval Reference Number from original authorization |
Refund Response
Example Refund Response
{ "amount": "59.60", "resptext": "Approval", "authcode": "REFUND", "respcode": "00", "retref": "288010185242", "merchid": "000000927996", "cvvresp": "M", "account": "41XXXXXXXXXX4113", "avsresp": "Z", "respproc": "PPS", "respstat": "A" }
If the transaction is found, the response values will contain the result from the refund request to the Clearing House. If the transaction is not found or an error occurs, the Response Processor will contain “PPS”, the Response Code will contain an error code, the Response Status will contain “C” and the Response Text will describe the error. Refunds are automatically approved by CardConnect and submitted in the settlement.
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
merchid | Merchant Id | 12 | Copied from Request |
amount | Amount | 12 | Copied from Request, contains the refund amount |
retref | Retrieval Reference Number | 12 | New retref of refund transaction |
respcode | Response Code | 3 | Response Code |
respproc | Response Processor | 4 | Response Processor |
respstat | Response Status | 1 | Response Status |
resptext | Capture Status | 40 | Response Text |
Inquire Service
/** * Inquire Transaction REST Example * @param retref */ public static void inquireTransaction(String retref) { Console.WriteLine("\nInquire Transaction Request"); String merchid = "496400000840"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an inquire Transaction request JObject response = client.inquireTransaction(merchid, retref); // Handle response if (response != null) { foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + value.ToString()); } } }
/** * Inquire Transaction REST Example * @param retref */ public static void inquireTransaction(String retref) { System.out.println("\nInquire Transaction Request"); String merchid = "496400000840"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Send an inquire Transaction request JSONObject response = client.inquireTransaction(merchid, retref); // Handle response if (response != null) { Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); } }
<?php // Inquire Service example function inquireTransaction($retref) { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nInquire Transaction Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $merchid = "496400000840"; $response = $client->inquireTransaction($merchid, $retref); print var_dump($response); } ?>
CardConnect provides an Inquire Service returning the Authorization and Capture status of the transaction identified by the Retrieval Reference Number provided and the Merchants ID.
The URL for the CardConnect REST Inquire service with path parameters is:
The REST verb GET is used for this service, which returns an authorization response.
If the transaction is found, the response values will contain the response fields returned on the original authorization. If the transaction is not found or an error occurs, the Response Processor will contain “PPS”, the Response Code will contain an error number, the Response Status will contain “C” and the Response Text will contain a relevant text message.
Inquire Response
Example Inquire Response
{ "amount": "596.00", "resptext": "Approval", "setlstat": "NOTCAPTURED", "authcode": "PPS272", "respcode": "00", "retref": "288015190411", "merchid": "000000927996", "cvvresp": "M", "account": "41XXXXXXXXXX4113", "avsresp": "Z", "respproc": "FNOR", "respstat": "A" }
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
merchid | Merchant Id | 12 | Copied from Request |
account | Account Number | 25 | Masked from original Transaction |
amount | Amount to Capture | 12 | From original transaction |
currency | Currency of Amount | 3 | From original transaction |
retref | Retrieval Reference Number | 12 | Copied from Request |
respcode | Response Code | 4 | From original response |
respproc | Response Processor | 4 | From original response |
respstat | Response Status | 1 | From original response |
resptext | Capture Status | 40 | From original response |
setlstat | Settlement Status | 40 | Values are: Authorized – Txn has not been Captured Queued for Capture – Txn is in flight to Clearing House Accepted – Txn was accepted for Settlement Rejected – Txn was not accepted Zero Amount – Txn was $0 Voided – Txn has been voided Declined – Txn had an error |
Settlement Status Service
/** * Settlement Status REST Example */ public static void settlementStatusTransaction() { Console.WriteLine("\nSettlement Status Transaction Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; String date = "0401"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); JArray responses = client.settlementStatus(merchid, date); //JSONArray responses = client.settlementStatus(null, null); // Handle response if (responses != null) { foreach (JObject response in responses) { foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; if ("txns".Equals(key)) { Console.WriteLine("transactions: "); foreach (JObject txn in value) { Console.WriteLine(" ==="); foreach (var t in txn) { String tkey = t.Key; JToken tvalue = t.Value; Console.WriteLine(" " + tkey + ": " + tvalue.ToString()); } } } else { Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + response.GetValue(key)); } } } } }
/** * Settlement Status REST Example */ public static void settlementStatusTransaction() { System.out.println("\nSettlement Status Transaction Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; String date = "0404"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); JSONArray responses = client.settlementStatus(merchid, date); //JSONArray responses = client.settlementStatus(null, null); // Handle response if (responses != null) { for (int i=0; i<responses.size(); i++) { JSONObject response = (JSONObject)responses.get(i); Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { if ("txns".equals(key)) { System.out.println("transactions: "); JSONArray txns = (JSONArray) response.get(key); for (int j=0; j<txns.size(); j++) { System.out.println(" ==="); JSONObject txn = (JSONObject)txns.get(j); Set<String> txnkeys = txn.keySet(); for (String txnkey : txnkeys) System.out.println(" " + txnkey + ": " + txn.get(txnkey)); } } else { System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); } } } } }
<?php // Settlement Status example function settlementStatusTransaction() { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nSettlement Status Transaction Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $merchid = "496400000840"; $date = "0401"; $response = $client->settlementStatus($merchid, $date); print var_dump($response); } ?>
The URL for the CardConnect REST Settlement Status service is:
Using the GET HTTP verb where <merchid> is the merchant ID and <date> is the date in MMDD format of the transactions to retrieve.
The Settlement Status service provides a number of options for retrieving information about settlement batches. A request to the service with a merchant id and date will return an array of settlement status responses (defined below) for all batches from the specified date. This is designed to be called a few hours after the last capture of a business day has been sent so as to update the source system with the results. CardConnect generally receives a per transaction response from the Clearinghouse for each transaction whether it has been accepted or rejected for inclusion in the nightly submission to the card brands.
A request returns an array of settlement batch responses; each batch contains an array of txns containing the settlement status of each transaction. An array containing a single batch and its transactions is shown below.
Other query options to the Settlement Status service include batchid which restricts the return to only settlements in the specified batch. An empty array indicates no matches were found.
Settlement Response
Example Settlement Status Response
[ { "txns": [ { "setlstat": "N", "retref": "179001161341" }, { "setlstat": "Y", "retref": "179002161341" } ], "batchid": "71742042", "hoststat": "GB", "hostbatch": "71742041" } ]
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
batchid | Batch Id | 12 | Copied from the Capture Request |
hoststat | Settlement Status | 2 | One of the values below: Blank – Queued for the Processor GB – Accepted by the Processor MB – Some Txns Accepted/Some Rejected BB – Rejected by the Processor |
hostbatch | Host Batch Id | 16 | Clearinghouse assigned batch identifier |
merchid | Merchant Id | 12 | Merchant ID |
respproc | Clearing House | 4 | CardConnect abbreviation for Clearing House |
txns | Array of Transactions | Array of retref / Status pairs that indicate which items were Rejected |
Each transaction response in the “txns” array contains the fields shown below.
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
retref | Retrieval Reference Number | 12 | Merchant reference number assigned at Authorization |
setlstat | Settlement Status | 1 | Y - Accepted N - Rejected for clearing |
Deposit Service
/** * Deposit Transaction REST Example */ public static void depositTransaction() { Console.WriteLine("\nDeposit Transaction Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; // Date String date = "20140131"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); JObject response = client.depositStatus(merchid, date); // Handle response if (response != null) { foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; if ("txns".Equals(key)) { Console.WriteLine("transactions: "); foreach (JObject txn in value) { Console.WriteLine(" ==="); foreach (var t in txn) { String tkey = t.Key; JToken tvalue = t.Value; Console.WriteLine(" " + tkey + ": " + tvalue.ToString()); } } } else { Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + response.GetValue(key)); } } } }
/** * Deposit Transaction REST Example */ public static void depositTransaction() { System.out.println("\nDeposit Transaction Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; // Date String date = "20140131"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); JSONObject response = client.depositStatus(merchid, date); // Handle response if (response != null) { Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { if ("txns".equals(key)) { System.out.println("transactions: "); JSONArray txns = (JSONArray) response.get(key); for (int i=0; i<txns.size(); i++) { System.out.println(" ==="); JSONObject txn = (JSONObject)txns.get(i); Set<String> txnkeys = txn.keySet(); for (String txnkey : txnkeys) System.out.println(" " + txnkey + ": " + txn.get(txnkey)); } } else { System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); } } } }
<?php // Deposit Status example function depositStatusTransaction() { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nDeposit Transaction Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $merchid = "496400000840"; $date = "0401"; $response = $client->depositStatus($merchid, $date); print var_dump($response); } ?>
The URL for the CardConnect REST Deposit service is:
Using the GET HTTP verb where <merchid> is the merchant ID and <date> is the date in MMDD format.
Each day, for payment card clearinghouses’ that provide it, CardConnect polls for information regarding the ACH deposit transactions issued by the clearinghouse on behalf of the merchant, typically one deposit per card brand with transactions. If information about the transactions comprising the deposit is available, these are included in an array of “items” on the deposit response.
The deposit service tracks whether a deposit has been queried by the merchant systems. A request to the deposit service with no parameters is a request for all deposits received since the last request. This is designed to support a daily process (usually morning) that retrieves the deposits from the prior nights ACH transactions. Typically a merchant supports multiple card brands, so an array of card deposits is returned each containing an array of transaction details. An empty response body means no new deposits are available for retrieval, thus calling the service until and empty batch is returned ensures all deposits have been received.
The service can also be queried by Merchant Id and Date, returning all matching deposits in an array of Deposit records each with an array of transaction detail records.
Deposit Response
Example Deposit Response
[ { "cardtype": "VI", "postdate": "20121009", "cbakamnt": "0.00", "feeamnt": "0.55", "currency": "USD", "amount": "11.00", "txns": [ { "merchbatch": 92821429, "retref": "282005142924", "hostbatch": "1429", "feeamnt": "0.00", "action": "DEB", "depamnt": "11.00" } ], "resptext": "", "depositid": 7, "merchid": "000000927996", "action": "DEB", "actdate": "20121008", "cardproc": "FNOR" }, { "cardtype": "MC", "postdate": "20121009", "cbakamnt": "0.00", "feeamnt": "0.55", "currency": "USD", "amount": "11.00", "txns": [ { "merchbatch": 92821429, "retref": "282006142924", "hostbatch": "1429", "feeamnt": "0.00", "action": "DEB", "depamnt": "11.00" } ], "resptext": "", "depositid": 7, "merchid": "000000927996", "action": "DEB", "actdate": "20121008", "cardproc": "FNOR" } ]
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
depositid | Deposit Id | 12 | CardConnect Deposit Identifierd by Merchant Id and Date an array of card deposits are returned each containing an array of trans |
merchid | Merchant Id | 12 | Copied from Request |
respproc | Card Processor Code | 4 | CardConnect Card Processor identifier |
accttype | Card Brand | 6 | Vi, MC, AX, DI |
action | Deposit or Refund | 8 | Deposit to Merchant or Refund from Merchant |
actdate | Activity Date | 8 | Settlement Date (YYYYMMDD) |
postdate | Posting Date | 8 | Posting Date (YYYYMMDD) |
currency | Currency | 3 | Currency of Deposit |
amount | Net Amount | 12 | Net amount of the ACH Transaction |
feeamnt | Fee Amount | 12 | Fee amount deducted from deposit |
cbakamnt | ChargeBack amount | 12 | ChargeBack amount deducted from deposit |
resptext | Capture Status | 40 | Response Text if any provided |
txns | Array | Array of Transaction Details |
For each Transaction in the “txns” array the detail fields shown below are returned.
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
retref | Retrieval Reference Number | 12 | Retrieval Reference Number of the Transaction for this deposit detail |
action | Deposit or Refund | 8 | Deposit to Merchant or Refund from Merchant |
depamnt | Amount | 12 | Amount for this transaction |
feeamnt | Fee Amount | 12 | Fees charged for this transaction |
status | Status | 1 | Y success, N Txn was rejected |
hostbatch | Host Batch Id | 16 | Processor Batch Id |
merchbatch | Merchant Batch Id | 12 | CardConnect Batch Identifier |
Funding Service
/** * Funding Transaction REST Example */ public static void fundingRequest() { Console.WriteLine("\Funding Transaction Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; // Date String date = "0131"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); JObject response = client.fundingRequest(merchid, date); // Handle response if (response != null) { foreach (var x in response) { String key = x.Key; JToken value = x.Value; if ("txns".Equals(key)) { Console.WriteLine("transactions: "); foreach (JObject txn in value) { Console.WriteLine(" ==="); foreach (var t in txn) { String tkey = t.Key; JToken tvalue = t.Value; Console.WriteLine(" " + tkey + ": " + tvalue.ToString()); } } } else { Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + response.GetValue(key)); } } } }
/** * Funding Request REST Example */ public static void fundingRequest() { System.out.println("\nFunding Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; // Date String date = "0131"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); JSONObject response = client.fundingRequest(merchid, date); // Handle response if (response != null) { Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { if ("txns".equals(key)) { System.out.println("transactions: "); JSONArray txns = (JSONArray) response.get(key); for (int i=0; i<txns.size(); i++) { System.out.println(" ==="); JSONObject txn = (JSONObject)txns.get(i); Set<String> txnkeys = txn.keySet(); for (String txnkey : txnkeys) System.out.println(" " + txnkey + ": " + txn.get(txnkey)); } } else { System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); } } } }
<?php // Funding Request example function fundingRequest() { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nFunding Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $merchid = "496400000840"; $date = "0401"; $response = $client->fundingRequest($merchid, $date); print var_dump($response); } ?>
The URL for the CardConnect REST Funding service is:
Using the GET HTTP verb where <merchid> is the merchant ID and <date> is the date in MMDD format.
The Funding Data API provides merchant funding information supported by supplemental transaction and funding adjustment detail. This information is provided by the host payment processing platform (i.e. First Data Omaha). All data within The Funding Data API’s scope is provided to CardConnect 1-2 days following the merchant’s activity.
The Funding service can be queried by Merchant Id and Date, returning all matching funding data in an array of funding, transaction (txn) and adjustment records each with a structure containing funding data.
Merchant id is required. If the date field is null, the service will check for any funding data that has not already been retrieved. Otherwise, status information will be returned for batches matching the two parameters. If no batches are found or are ready to return the service returns an empty vector.
Funding Response
Example Funding Response
{ "txns": [ { "cardtype": "Credit", "status": "Processed", "retref": null, "interchangeunitfee": null, "cardnumber": "44XXXXXXXXXX4329", "type": "Sale", "fundingid": 13899, "interchangepercentfee": null, "date": "2014-03-31", "currency": "USD", "cardbrand": "Visa", "amount": 995, "fundingtxnid": 25 }, { "cardtype": "Credit", "status": "Processed", "retref": null, "interchangeunitfee": null, "cardnumber": "37XXXXXXXXXX003", "type": "Sale", "fundingid": 13900, "interchangepercentfee": null, "date": "2014-03-31", "currency": "USD", "cardbrand": "American Express", "amount": 1495, "fundingtxnid": 25 }, { "cardtype": "Credit", "status": "Processed", "retref": null, "interchangeunitfee": null, "cardnumber": "52XXXXXXXXXX7030", "type": "Sale", "fundingid": 13907, "interchangepercentfee": null, "date": "2014-03-31", "currency": "USD", "cardbrand": "Mastercard", "amount": 1145, "fundingtxnid": 25 }, { "cardtype": "Credit", "status": "Processed", "retref": null, "interchangeunitfee": null, "cardnumber": "45XXXXXXXXXX1081", "type": "Sale", "fundingid": 13909, "interchangepercentfee": null, "date": "2014-03-31", "currency": "USD", "cardbrand": "Visa", "amount": 1495, "fundingtxnid": 25 } ], "fundingdate": "2014-03-31", "merchid": "496400000840", "datechanged": null, "fundings": [ { "totalfunding": 3635, "ddanumber": "5XXXXX1756", "datechanged": "2014-04-11", "interchangefee": 0, "fundingid": 405, "fundingmasterid": 25, "servicecharge": 0, "currency": "USD", "fee": 0, "dateadded": "2014-04-11", "adjustment": 0, "netsales": 5130, "thirdparty": -1495, "otheradjustment": 0, "reversal": 0, "abanumber": "054000030" }], "fundingmasterid": 25, "adjustments": [ { "amount": -1495, "category": "THIRD PARTY", "dateadded": "2014-04-11", "description": "THIRD PARTY ADJUSTMENTS", "merchid": "496202840880", "datechanged": "2014-04-11", "type": "THIRD PARTY ADJUSTMENTS", "fundingmasterid": 25, "fundingadjustmentid": 1081, "currency": "USD" }] }
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
fundingid | 12 | N | Unique key identifier for merchants with daily funding activity |
fundingmasterid | 12 | N | Unique key for an aggregated merchant’s daily funding |
netsales | 12 | N | Total sales processed by merchant |
thirdparty | 12 | N | Transactions that are passed directly to a third party service provider for processing and/or funding |
adjustment | 12 | N | Amounts credited to or deducted from account to resolve processing or billing discrepancies |
interchangefee | 12 | N | Variable amounts established by the Card Associations for processing transactions |
servicecharge | 12 | N | Amounts charged to authorize process and settle card transactions |
fee | A range of transaction-based and/or fixed amounts for specific card processing services | ||
reversal | 12 | N | Transactions that are challenged or disputed by a cardholder or card-issuing bank. A Chargeback is the amount that is disputed by the cardholder or card-issuing bank. A Reversal is the amount that was previously resolved against the merchant but now is resolved in favor of the merchant |
otheradjustment | 12 | N | General adjustment classification. Adjustment type not provided by host. |
totalfunding | 12 | N | Total Amount of the bank deposit made by the host |
currency | 10 | AN | Three digit code identifying the funded currency Funding Appendix C: Currency Code |
ddanumber | 20 | AN | Demand Deposit Account number |
abanumber | 20 | AN | Unique number assigned by the American Bankers Association (ABA) that identifies a specific federal or state chartered bank or savings institution |
dateadded | 8 | DATE YYYYMMDD | Date record created |
datechanged | 8 | DATE YYYYMMDD | Date record was last updated |
Funding Node
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
fundingmasterid | Funding Master ID | 12 | Unique key for an aggregated merchant’s daily funding |
merchid | Merchant Id | 25 | Merchant identifier assigned by host |
netsales | Net Sales | 12 | Total sales processed by merchant |
thirdparty | Third Party | 12 | Transactions that are passed directly to a third party service provider for processing and/or funding |
adjustment | Adjustment | 12 | Amounts credited to or deducted from account to resolve processing or billing discrepancies |
interchangefee | Interchange Fees | 12 | Variable amounts established by the Card Associations for processing transactions |
servicecharge | Service Charges | 12 | Amounts charged to authorize process and settle card transactions |
fee | Fees | 12 | A range of transaction-based and/or fixed amounts for specific card processing services |
reversal | Reversals | 12 | Transactions that are challenged or disputed by a cardholder or card-issuing bank. |
otheradjustment | Other Adjustment | 12 | General adjustment classification. Adjustment type not provided by host. |
totalfunding | Funding Amount | 12 | Total amount of debit or credit event |
fundingdate | Funding Date | 8 | The date of the bank funding event |
currency | Currency Code | 3 | Three digit code identifying the funded currency Funding Appendix C: Currency Code |
ddanumber | DDA Number | 20 | Masked demand deposit account number |
abanumber | ABA Number | 20 | American Bankers Association (ABA) that identifies the bank |
Txn Node
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
fundingtxnid | Transaction ID | 12 | CardConnect id for each record |
retref | Gateway ID | 30 | CardConnect gateway reference number (aka RetRef) |
interchangeunitfee | Interchange unit fee | 12 | Unit based fee charged for acceptance of card transaction |
interchangepercentfee | Interchange percent fee | 12 | Percentage based fee charged for acceptance of card transaction |
date | Transaction Date | 8 | Date the transaction occurred |
cardnumber | Card Number | 25 | Masked card number used for transaction |
cardtype | Card Type | 20 | Type of card used for transaction Funding Appendix A: Card Type |
cardbrand | Card Brand | 30 | The brand associated to the card Funding Appendix B: Card Brand |
amount | Amount | 12 | The transaction amount |
currency | Currency Code | 10 | Three character currency code associated to transaction Funding Appendix C: Currency Code |
date | Date | 8 | Date the transaction occurred |
type | Type | 25 | Type of transaction Processed Funding Appendix D: Transaction Type |
status | Type | 100 | Status of transaction Funding Appendix E: Transaction Status |
Adjustment Node
Field | Content | Max Len | Comments |
fundingadjustmentid | Funding Adjustment ID | 12 | CardConnect unique system identifier for adjustment |
fundingmasterid | Funding Master ID | 12 | Unique key for an aggregated merchant’s daily funding |
merchid | MID | 25 | Merchant identifier assigned by host Funding Appendix F: Adjustment Group |
category | Adjustment Group | 100 | Category of deposit adjustment Funding Appendix F: Adjustment Group |
type | Adjustment Group Description | 100 | Type of deposit adjustment |
description | Adjustment Description | 200 | Detailed description of adjustment |
amount | Adjustment Amount | 12 | Amount of adjustment |
currency | Currency Code | 10 | Three digit code identifying the funded currency Funding Appendix C: Currency Code |
If no adjustment detail is listed by the host, any offset to the funding amount will be listed as other adjustment in this record.
Funding Appendix A: Card Type
Card Type | Description |
Credit | Payment card issued by a bank, business, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit. |
Debit | Payment card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase. |
EBT | Electronic Benefit Transfer is an electronic system that allows state welfare departments to issue benefits via a magnetically encoded payment card. |
Funding Appendix B: Card Brand
Card Brand | Description |
MC | MasterCard |
VISA | Visa |
DSCV | Discover |
UNKN | Unknown |
AMEX | American Express |
WEX | Wright Express |
VYGR | Voyager |
TEL | Telecheck |
DNR | Diners |
JCB | Japan Credit Bureau |
BML | Bill Me Later |
RM | Revolution Money |
Funding Appendix C: Currency Code
CardConnect adheres to the ISO 4217 standards for currency code identification as set forth by the International Organization for Standards (ISO) . Please refer to http://www.iso.org/iso/currency_codes for a comprehensive mapping of alphabetic codes.
Funding Appendix D: Transaction Type
Transaction Type | Description |
SALE | Sale or ticket-only sale. |
REFUND | Credit back of a sale due to a return or refund. |
CASH ADVANCE | Cash Advance |
VOID SALE | Void a sale or ticket-only sale or a cash advance. |
VOID REFUND | Void a return or refund. |
AUTH REQUEST | Authorization request. |
ACCOUNT VERIFY | Account verification. |
UNKNOWN | Source data transaction type not mapped. |
Funding Appendix E: Transaction Status
Transaction Status | Description |
Auth | The credit card authorization request was processed successfully. |
Captured | The credit card authorization was captured, and the request was processed successfully by the payment processor. |
Voided | A deletion of the transaction information. |
Failure | The credit card (authorization, capture, or credit) or check (debit or credit) request failed. |
Rejected | A rejection of the transaction information due to duplicate transaction or fraud protection. |
Declined | A response from the card issuer denying the use of the card for the attempted transaction. |
Settled | The check debit or credit request was processed successfully. |
Unknown | Transaction status not supplied. |
Funding Appendix F: Adjustment Group
Adjustment Group | Adjustment Group Detail |
Profile Service
The URL for the CardConnect REST Profile service is:
A profile can consist of multiple sets of profile account data. Each set is assigned an acctid which can be used in conjunction with the profileid to access a specific account. The format is (profileid/acctid) for use in each request’s profile field. One account in each profile will be marked as the default account and will be referenced when no acctid is supplied.
In addition to the profile create and use features of the authorization service, the Profile services provides an independent method to create, update/replace, retrieve and delete a profile.
A create or update request is made including the fields below (the same fields marked with asterisk in the authorization request). The service tokenizes the account property and creates the profile with a token, and profileid/acctid. One acctid in each profile can be mark as the default account. The default account will be used for all authorization requests when only the profileid is supplied. If an acctid is present the service retrieves the existing profile and updates it, or returns profile not found.
Profile Get
Example Profile Get
[ { "region": "AK", "phone": "7778789999", "postal": "19090", "address": "123 MAIN STREET", "accttype": "VISA", "token": "9440670166031111", "ssnl4": "3655", "name": "TOM JONES", "license": "123451254", "country": "US", "city": "ANYTOWN", "expiry": "0214", "profileid": "12345678901234567890", "acctid": "1" } ]
/** * Get Profile REST Example * @param profileid */ private static void getProfile(String profileid) { Console.WriteLine("\nGet Profile Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; // Account ID String accountid = "1"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Retrieve profile from Profile Service JArray response = client.profileGet(profileid, accountid, merchid); // Handle response if (response != null) { foreach (JObject obj in response) { foreach (var x in obj) { String xkey = x.Key; JToken xvalue = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(xkey + ": " + xvalue.ToString()); } } } }
/** * Get Profile REST Example * @param profileid */ private static void getProfile(String profileid) { System.out.println("\nGet Profile Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; // Account ID String accountid = "1"; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Retrieve profile from Profile Service JSONArray response = client.profileGet(profileid, accountid, merchid); // Handle response if (response != null) { for (int i=0; i<response.size(); i++) { JSONObject object = (JSONObject)response.get(i); Set<String> keys = object.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + object.get(key)); } } }
<?php // Profile Service get Profile example function getProfile($profileid, $accountid = "") { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nGet Profile Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $merchid = "496400000840"; $response = $client->profileGet($profileid, $accountid, $merchid); print var_dump($response); } ?>
The REST verb GET is used to retrieve a stored profile using the following path parameter format.
Where {profile} is the profileid for the Profile vault data and {merchid} is the associate merchant identifier. Supply the optional acctid parameter to retrieve a specific account within a profile. The profile data will be returned as a JSONArray of JSONObjects.
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
profileid | 20 | N | Primary identifier to access profiles |
acctid | 3 | N | Account identifier within a profile |
respstat | 1 | A | A - Approved B - Retry C - Declined |
account | 19 | AN | Copied from request, masked |
respcode | 3 | A | Alpha-numeric response code. See the tables in the PROCESSOR SPECIFIC responses. PPS – 2 Numeric FNOR – 2 Alphanumeric |
resptext | 32 | A | Text description of response |
respproc | 4 | A | PPS - CardConnect internal response FNOR - First Data North |
accttype | 6 | A | The value supplied in account creation; VISA, MC, DISC, ECHK. |
expiry | 4 | N | Card Expiration in either MMYY or YYYYMMDD format |
name | 30 | AN | Account name; CCard optional, ECheck required |
address | 30 | AN | Account street address |
city | 30 | AN | Account city |
region | 20 | AN | US State, Mexican State, Canadian Province |
country | 2 | AN | Account country (2 character country code) |
phone | 15 | AN | Account phone (required for ECHK, SAV) |
postal | 9 | AN | Account postal code - if country is “US”, must be 5 or 9 digits - otherwise any alphanumeric string is accepted |
ssnl4 | 4 | N | Last four digits of account social security number |
30 | AN | E-Mail address of the account holder | |
defaultacct | 1 | A | Y marks the default account referenced when profileid is used without an acctid specified |
license | 15 | N | Driver’s license state (two Characters) + : + number, For example NY:12JKHQ123 |
Profile Delete
/** * Delete Profile REST Example * @param profileid */ private static void deleteProfile(String profileid) { Console.WriteLine("\nDelete Profile Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; String accountid = ""; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Delete profile using Profile Service JObject response = client.profileDelete(profileid, accountid, merchid); // Handle response if (response != null) { foreach (var x in response) { String xkey = x.Key; JToken xvalue = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(xkey + ": " + xvalue.ToString()); } } }
/** * Delete Profile REST Example * @param profileid */ private static void deleteProfile(String profileid) { System.out.println("\nDelete Profile Request"); // Merchant ID String merchid = "496400000840"; String accountid = ""; // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Delete profile using Profile Service JSONObject response = client.profileDelete(profileid, accountid, merchid); // Handle response if (response != null) { Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); } }
<?php // Profile Service delete Profile example function deleteProfile($profileid, $accountid = "") { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nDelete Profile Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); $merchid = "496400000840"; $response = $client->profileDelete($profileid, $accountid, $merchid); print var_dump($response); } ?>
Example Profile Delete Response
{ "resptext": "Profile Deleted", "respcode": "08", "profileid": "12345678901234567890", "acctid": "1", "respproc": "PPS", "respstat": "A" }
To delete a profile use the REST verb DELETE with the following format with profileid/ (optional) acctid and merchid provided.
Supply the merchid profileid to delete the entire profile and all accounts. Supply the optional acctid to delete a specific account within a profile.
Example Delete Entire Profile and all Accts
Profile Create/Update
The REST verb PUT is used to create or update a stored profile using the following format.
Profile Create/Update Request
Example Profile Create/Update Request
{ "region": "AK", "phone": "7778789999", "accttype": "VISA", "postal": "19090", "ssnl4": "3655", "expiry": "0214", "city": "ANYTOWN", "country": "US", "address": "123 MAIN STREET", "merchid": "496400000840", "name": "TOM JONES", "account": "4444333322221111", "license": "123451254", "defaultacct": "N", "profileupdate": "Y" }
/** * Add Profile REST Example */ private static void addProfile() { Console.WriteLine("\nAdd Profile Request"); // Create Profile Request JObject request = new JObject(); // Merchant ID request.Add("merchid", "496400000840"); // Default account request.Add("defaultacct", "Y"); // Card Number request.Add("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.Add("expiry", "0914"); // Cardholder Name request.Add("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.Add("address", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.Add("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.Add("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.Add("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.Add("postal", "11111"); // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Create profile using Profile Service JObject response = client.profileCreate(request); // Handle response foreach (var x in response) { String xkey = x.Key; JToken xvalue = x.Value; Console.WriteLine(xkey + ": " + xvalue.ToString()); } }
/** * Add Profile REST Example */ private static void addProfile() { System.out.println("\nAdd Profile Request"); // Create Profile Request JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); // Merchant ID request.put("merchid", "496400000840"); // Default account request.put("defaultacct", "Y"); // Card Number request.put("account", "4444333322221111"); // Card Expiry request.put("expiry", "0914"); // Cardholder Name request.put("name", "Test User"); // Cardholder Address request.put("address", "123 Test St"); // Cardholder City request.put("city", "TestCity"); // Cardholder State request.put("region", "TestState"); // Cardholder Country request.put("country", "US"); // Cardholder Zip-Code request.put("postal", "11111"); // Create the CardConnect REST client CardConnectRestClient client = new CardConnectRestClient(ENDPOINT, USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Create profile using Profile Service JSONObject response = client.profileCreate(request); // Handle response Set<String> keys = response.keySet(); for (String key : keys) System.out.println(key + ": " + response.get(key)); }
<?php // Profile Service create Profile example function createProfile() { global $url, $user, $password; echo "\nCreate Profile Request\n"; $client = new CardConnectRestClient($url, $user, $password); // Merchant ID $request = array( 'merchid' => "496400000840", 'defaultacct' => "Y", 'account' => "4444333322221111", 'expiry' => "0914", 'name' => "Test User", 'address' => "123 Test St", 'city' => "TestCity", 'region' => "TestState", 'country' => "US", 'postal' => "11111", ); $response = $client->profileCreate($request); print var_dump($response); } ?>
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
profile | 20+ | N | 20 digit profileid/(optional) 3 digit acctid |
defaultacct | 1 | A | “Y” to assign as default account |
profileupdate | 1 | A | “Y” to update profile data with non-empty request data only as opposed to full profile replacement including empty values |
accttype | 6 | A | One of PPAL, PAID, GIFT, PDEBIT, otherwise not required |
merchid* | 12 | N | Merchant Id, required for all requests |
account* | 19 | N | Tokenized card number for payment card Bank account number for ECheck Masked in response |
bankaba | 9 | N | Bank routing (ABA) number, ECHK only |
expiry | 4 | N | Card Expiration in either MMYY or YYYYMMDD format |
name | 30 | AN | Account name; CCard optional, ECheck required |
street | 30 | AN | Account street address |
city | 30 | AN | Account city |
region | 20 | AN | US State, Mexican State, Canadian Province |
country | 2 | AN | Account country (2 character country code) |
phone | 15 | AN | Account phone (required for ECHK, SAV) |
postal | 9 | AN | Account postal code if country is “US”, must be 5 or 9 digits otherwise any alphanumeric string is accepted |
ssnl4 | 4 | N | Last four digits of account social security number |
30 | AN | E-Mail address of the account holder | |
license | 15 | N | Driver’s license state (two Characters) + : + number, For example NY:12JKHQ123 |
If a valid CardSecure issued token was not provided one will be returned as a token field in the response.
Profile Create/Update Response
Example Profile Create/Update Response
{ "region": "AK", "phone": "7778789999", "accttype": "VISA", "postal": "19090", "ssnl4": "3655", "respproc": "PPS", "expiry": "0214", "city": "ANYTOWN", "country": "US", "resptext": "Profile Saved", "token": "9440670166031111", "respcode": "09", "address": "123 MAIN STREET", "name": "TOM JONES", "license": "123451254", "respstat": "A", "profileid": "12345678901234567890", "acctid": "1" }
Field | Size | Type | Comments |
profileid | 20 | N | Primary identifier to access profiles |
acctid | 3 | N | Account identifier within a profile |
respstat | 1 | A | A - Approved B - Retry C - Declined |
account | 19 | AN | Copied from request, masked |
respcode | 3 | A | Alpha-numeric response code. See the tables in the PROCESSOR SPECIFIC responses. PPS – 2 Numeric FNOR – 2 Alphanumeric |
resptext | 32 | A | Text description of response |
respproc | 4 | A | PPS - CardConnect internal response FNOR - First Data North |
accttype | 6 | A | The value supplied in account creation; VISA, MC, DISC, ECHK. |
expiry | 4 | N | Card Expiration in either MMYY or YYYYMMDD format |
name | 30 | AN | Account name; CCard optional, ECheck required |
address | 30 | AN | Account street address |
city | 30 | AN | Account city |
region | 20 | AN | US State, Mexican State, Canadian Province |
country | 2 | AN | Account country (2 character country code) |
phone | 15 | AN | Account phone (required for ECHK, SAV) |
postal | 9 | AN | Account postal code - if country is “US”, must be 5 or 9 digits - otherwise any alphanumeric string is accepted |
ssnl4 | 4 | N | Last four digits of account social security number |
30 | AN | E-Mail address of the account holder | |
defaultacct | 1 | A | Y marks the default account referenced when profileid is used without an acctid specified |
license | 15 | N | Driver’s license state (two Characters) + : + number, For example NY:12JKHQ123 |
Response Codes
The following subsections list various processor specific response codes. The first subsection lists the response codes that are returned by CardConnect internally. If any of these responses occurs, the authorization was not transmitted to the clearinghouse host.
The remaining subsections contain 3 tables each:
- Authorization response codes: the actual 2-3 character code and the short text description that is returned to the on-line authorization module
- Address Verification (AVS) response codes
- Card Validation (CVV) response codes
Amex declines any transactions with a CVV mismatch… Discover approves the transaction with a separate CVV response. Most Visa and MasterCard banks decline on a CVV mismatch; some approve with a negative CVV response.
The 1-character Status Response has the following values in the tables:
- A = Approval
- B = Retry: Some network or system is unavailable, retry with the same data
- C = Decline: The Clearinghouse responded with a decline
The responses from some issuers are specifically vague, thus some of the text descriptions may not accurately reflect the underlying problem. For example, a response of “expired card” may actually mean “wrong expiration date”.
A response of “Call” means that the authorization cannot be obtained electronically. The cardholder must give you the phone on the back of the card for you to call and get a “voice” authorization which is manually recorded. This is only possible for a Call Center, not a Web site.
The Authorization response codes are in an editable authResp.dat file. This permits on-site changes to the file if new codes are added, or the text or status value is incorrect. The messages file is a comma delimited text file with 3 columns, optionally followed by a comment:
- Response code, which can be numeric or alphanumeric depending on the clearinghouse
- Status code, which is one of the status values above
- Text description of the response code
The following table shows the response codes that can be generated by CardConnect internally. Additional comments enclosed in brackets are not part of the response text.
Response Code | Status Response |
00 = Approval | A = Approved |
11 = Invalid card | C = Bad Card Data |
12 = Invalid track | C = Bad Track Data |
13 = Bad card check digit | C = Failed Luhn |
14 = Non-numeric CVV | C = CVV not numeric |
15 = Non-numeric expiry | C = Expiration not numeric |
16 = Card expired | C = Expiration in the past |
17 = Invalid zip | C = US zip code not 5 or 9 digits |
21 = Invalid merchant | C = Merchant Id Not Found |
22 = No auth route | C = CardConnect configuration error |
23 = No auth queue | B = Retry [CardConnect error] |
24 = Reversal not supported | C = Cannot Void |
25 = No matching auth for reversal | C = Cannot Void |
26 = Txn Settled | A = Already Captured |
27 = Txn Batched | C = Cannot Void |
28 = Txn not settled | C = Cannot Refund |
29 = Txn not found | C = Bad Retref |
31 = Invalid currency | C = Bad Currency |
32 = Wrong currency for merch | C = Bad Currency for Merchant configuration |
33 = Unknown card type | C = Bad card |
34 = Invalid field | C = Bad Data |
35 = No postal code | C = No Postal |
36 = Duplicate sequence | C = Duplicate Txn |
37 = CVV mismatch | C = Proc approved but CVV mismatch |
41 = Below min amount | C = Bad amount |
42 = Above max amount | C = Bad amount |
43 = Invalid amount | C = Bad amount |
44 = Prepaid not supported | C = Not configured for Prepaid BINs |
61 = Line down | B = Retry [connection to processor down] |
62 = Timed out | B = Retry [no issuer response] |
63 = Bad resp format | C = Error parsing issuer response |
64 = Bad HTTP Header | C = Error parsing issuer response |
65 = Socket close error | C = Network Error |
66 = Response mismatch | C = Network Error |
91 = No TokenSecure | B = Retry [CardConnect error] |
92 = No Merchant table | C = Bad Data |
93 = No Database | B = Retry [CardConnect error] |
94 = No action | C = Bad Data |
95 = Missing config | C = Missing Config |
96 = No Profile | C = Profile Not Found |
First Data North
Code | Suggested Text | Meaning |
00 | Approval | Approved for capture in batch |
00 | New Account Information | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only These are examples of what may have occurred: Card has expired, Account was upgraded, Portfolio sale, Conversion |
09 | Profile Saved | Profile data was saved successfully, pass token in profile field to access profile data during a transaction |
01 | Referral | Referral |
03 | Invld Mer ID | Invalid Merchant number or Subscriber doesn’t exist or is inactive |
03 | Declined | Invalid Merchant number or Subscriber doesn’t exist or is inactive |
05 | Declined | Declined |
05 | DOB Error | Date of Birth Error for Check Processing |
10 | Apprv Lesser Amt | Approved for a lesser amount than what was requested (i.e. partial approval) |
12 | Inv tran | Invalid Transaction |
12 | Inv State Code | Invalid State Code for Check Processing |
12 | Referral-Inv TR1 | More than 76 characters in Track 1 or Track 1 not formatted correctly |
13 | Inv Amt | Invalid amount |
14 | Inv Acct Num | Account Number not on file or Checking Account Number |
14 | New Account Information | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only These are examples of what may have occurred: Card has expired, Account was upgraded, Portfolio sale, Conversion |
14 | Do not try again | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only The account number is invalid |
25 | Inv Terminal | Terminal Not Found |
28 | Please Retry | File is temporarily unavailable |
51 | Declined | Declined |
51 | Inv Acct Num | Invalid Checking Acct Num |
51 | Do not honor | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only Declined: Association‘s payment cancellation advice code provided |
51 | Do not try again | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only Declined: Association‘s payment cancellation advice code provided |
51 | New Account Information available | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only Declined: Association‘s payment cancellation advice code provided |
51 | Try again later | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only Declined: Association‘s payment cancellation advice code provided |
54 | Do not try again | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only The card has expired |
54 | New Account Information | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only The card has expired |
54 | Try again later | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only The card has expired. Get the new expiration date and try again |
54 | Expired Card | Expired Card |
55 | Incorrect Pin | Incorrect Pin |
57 | Tran Not Allowed | Transaction Not Allowed |
60 | Hold-Call Ctr | Capture Card – Call Center |
61 | Amt Exceeds Lmt | Amount Exceeds Limit |
63 | Serv Not Allowed | Service Not Allowed |
63 | Declined | For American Express transactions if the CID from the transaction doesn’t match the one on file then decline transaction, transaction not permitted to acquirer or terminal |
63 | Do not try again | Applies to Recurring Authorizations Only There was security violation |
69 | Host Key Error | Host Key Error |
75 | Pin Retry Max | Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded |
75 | Pin Try Exceeded | Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded |
76 | Approval | Approved (non captured) |
85 | AVS Accepted | AVS Request Accepted |
89 | Invalid Term ID | Invalid Term ID |
89 | Declined | Term record not found on First Data system |
91 | Service error | Reasons for this error are one of the following: Format Error Unable to route transaction Switch or issuer unavailable System Busy Timeout |
94 | Duplicate Tran | Duplicate Transaction |
C2 | CVV2 Declined | Association indicated the transaction was not approved due to mismatch of the CVV2 value, but it would have been approved had the CVV2 value matched |
CE | System Problem | System Problem |
N3 | Invld Acct2 | Invalid account/date or sales date in future |
N3 | Declined | Invalid Effective Date |
NG | Rev Rejected | Reversal Rejected cannot parse 400 message |
NH | Enter Lesser Amt | Enter lesser amount |
NI | Pin Xlate Error | Host Security module could not decrypt the PIN block. Master Session: The master key is missing or incorrect in the PIN pad, or the merchant record set-up incorrectly at First Data Host. DUKPT: The Base Derivation key is missing or incorrect in the PIN pad, or is set-up incorrectly in the Host Security Module. |
NJ | Inv Cashback Amt | Cash Back amount greater than total Transaction amount (bit 4) |
NK | Crypto Box Unav | Crypto box is offline |
NL | Dbt Switch Unavl | Communications link to debit/EBT network gateway is down or responded with a “System Malfunction (96)” message |
NL | DBT T.O. Retry | Communications link to debit/EBT network gateway is down or responded with a “System Malfunction (96)” message |
NM | Issuer Unav | Debit/EBT network gateway cannot get through to the ISSUER |
NN | Undefined Card | Debit/EBT network gateway cannot route card based on Merchant Entitlement |
NP | Dbtsw inv merid | Network Response indicates that Merchant ID / SE is invalid |
NQ | Tran Ct Excd Lmt | Debit/EBT transaction count exceeds pre-determined limit in specified time/ Withdrawal limit exceeded |
NR | Resub Excds Lmt | Resubmission of transaction violates debit/EBT network frequency |
NS | Dbtsw Pin Xl Err | The authorizing network has a problem decrypting the cryptogram in the request |
NU | Declined | Insufficient funds |
RW | Rev Outside Win | Reversal Outside Window. Reversal transaction was received, but the original matching authorization request was processed more than 25 minutes ago and is no longer eligible to be reversed. (Applicable to Credit Host Capture only.) If the POS has received a RW response (25 minutes after the original Authorization), the transaction cannot be reversed (voided). The Merchant must issue a refund. |
Address Verification System
Brands implement different sets of AVS Response codes, indicated by the initial columns of (V) Visa, (MC) Mastercard, (AX) Amex, and (DI) Discover. Avs refers to the avs response code field returned.
V | MC | AX | DI | Avs | Description |
D | A | Address matches, five-digit ZIP Code matches | |||
M | A | A | Address Matches ZIP Does Not Match | ||
V | B | Street addresses match. Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats. (Acquirer sent both street address and postal code.) | |||
V | C | Street address and postal code not verified due to incompatible formats. (Acquirer sent both street address and postal code.) | |||
A | D | Cardmember Name incorrect, Billing Postal Code matches | |||
V | D | Street addresses and postal codes match | |||
A | E | Cardmember Name incorrect, Billing Address and Postal Code match | |||
A | F | Cardmember Name incorrect, Billing Address matches | |||
V | F | Street addresses and postal codes match. U.K. only | |||
V | D | G | Address information not verified for international transaction | ||
V | I | Address information not verified | |||
A | K | Cardmember Name matches | |||
A | L | Cardmember Name and Billing Postal Code match | |||
V | A | M | Cardmember Name, Billing Address and Postal Code match | ||
V | M | A | D | N | Address and ZIP Do Not Match, DI Nothing Matches |
A | O | Cardmember Name and Billing Address match | |||
V | P | Postal code match. Acquirer sent both postal code and street address, but street address not verified due to incompatible formats | |||
M | A | R | System Unavailable; retry | ||
M | A | D | S | Issuer Does Not Support Address Verification | |
D | T | Nine - digit ZIP Code matches, address does not | |||
M | A | D | U | Address Information Is Unavailable | |
D | W | No data from Issuer/Authorization system | |||
A | W | No, Cardmember Name, Billing Address and Postal Code are all incorrect | |||
M | W | Whole Zip: 9-digit ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match | |||
D | X | All digits match (9-digit Zip Code) | |||
M | X | Exact: Address and 9-digit ZIP Match; Outside U.S., postal code matches, address does not | |||
D | Y | Address matches, ZIP Code does not | |||
V | M | A | Y | Address and ZIP Match | |
D | Z | 5-digit Zip matches, address does not | |||
V | M | A | Z | 9 or 5 digit ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match |
Card Verification Value 2
Value | Description | Card Types |
M | CVV2/CVC2/CID Match | Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover (JCB (US Domestic only), and Diners) |
N | CVV2/CVC2/CID No Match | Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover (JCB (US Domestic only), and Diners) |
P | Not Processed | Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover (JCB (US Domestic only), and Diners) |
S | CVV2 should be on the card, but merchant indicated that it was not | Visa, and Discover (JCB (US Domestic only), and Diners) |
U | Unknown/Issuer does not participate | Visa, MasterCard, and Discover (JCB (US Domestic only), and Diners) |
X | Server provider did not respond (Default) | Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover (JCB (US Domestic only), and Diners) |
Release Notes
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